Status effects implemented.

Grab the latest build here: Status Effect Poker Tower Defense Build

After a while of toying with how status effects should work, I finally have a build with them in it. This likely completely messes with the balance of the maps, but I like how it works so far in practice, so getting a build out with it functioning was priority number one.

In this build status effects are tied to cards, if they're blue, the turret they create have a chance to stun. If they're red, the turret they create have a chance to slow. If the card is discarded with a status effect attached there is no guarantee the next card has a status effect, so maybe you do want to keep that 7-2 off suited if they both have a status effect.

In the above example both the 5 of Diamonds and the King of Spades have slow chance attached to them, and the 3 of Spades has a stun chance attached to it. If this turret were to be created it would be a pair with a chance to stun and a greater chance to slow. Obviously this will have to be conveyed better to the player in a real version of this game, but for now, the functionality is there. Next step, create a tutorial level and get started on a single player experience! Till then, thank's for checking the game out.
